Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hey, humans follow the rules!

Hey humans, follow the rules !Sincerely ; All the animals of the zoo. rules please. If you don’t
I honestly don’t want to be woken up, by being hit in the head with popcorn or peanuts. Would you like it if that happened to you? I don’t want food all up in my fur! It takes hours to groom myself. You humans have it easy, you can take showers. So, please. Keep your food to yourself!
When I’m sleeping, I TOTALLY want you sticking your arms and hands inside my cage trying to touch me. Yes, I’m cute but you don’t need to try touching me every second of the day! And if you keep trying to, I’ll bite them. I will bite your fingers. Not trying to be rude, but would you like to be touched by someone’s nasty, filthy fingers while your sleeping?
And please! Don’t try to sound like me. I own my own sound, you cant make it. You sound like you just got hit by a bus. You sound nothing like a pig, your making a disgrace to all pigs! Only a pig sounds like a pig, not humans.
While I’m going on about my day, I don’t like you throwing your garbage at me. There are many trash cans around the zoo. Do I look like I’m made of metal and have trash in me? And if your to lazy to walk a foot away, and throw it out.. Put it somewhere else. Not in my cage. (Oh and F.Y.I you need the exercise, so put it in the trash!)
Don’t get me started with the pictures. I don’t like getting flashed in the face because someone wants a pictures of the "CUTE piggy!!!" Have some respect, and turn the flash off. Would uou like it if we flashed cameras in your face? It blinds us and hurts and stings our eyes.

P.S Follow these
You will most likely be kicked out of the zoo,
Or we will attack you.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Montreal Massacre

The Montreal Massacre happened December 6th 1989.

The Montreal Massacre, was about a man going into a college in a engineer class, and shooting 15 women. When he shot these women, he made all the men leave, lined up all the girls, and shot them one by one.
The news of the Montreal Massacre spread easily. Some women survived the shooting by hiding in different rooms. In total there where 27 people shot, and 13 survived. The police that investigated the Montreal Massacre, couldnt identify Lepine very well, because he had shot himself in the face. Coroner Teresa Z. Sourour, thought that the police could have done more.
The women murdered were Anne St-Arneault, 23; Genevi ve Bergeron, 21; Hél ne Colgan, 23; Nathalie Croteau, 23; Barbara Daigneault, 22; Anne-Marie Edward, 21; Maud Haviernick, 29; Barbara Klueznick, 31; Maryse Lagani re, 25; Maryse Leclair, 23; Anne-Marie Lemay, 22; Sonia Pelletier, 23; Mich le Richard, 21; and Annie Turcotte, 21.

I was surprised to discover that there were ANY survivors of the Montreal Massacre. I was also surprised when I heard that a man would go into a college and shoot women. I honestly dont know why anyone would sit there and be able to go through that horrible site. Like, its sickening.

I think the affects of the Montreal Massacre, are the world will not be the same without those people. Every person makes a difference, and because they were killed there are less people to make a difference. All the people that were killed, had families and where a sister, a mother, a daughter. They all had lives, and were all going somewhere with theirs. They were in college, in a engineer class working hard.
I think that the steps need to be taken against women violence, are that every person who abuses a women (if its a man) should be put in jail, and never let out. And when they do get let out, they should be watched carefully to make sure it doesnt happen again. There should also be a huge memorial of the women who were killed.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rememberence day.

Welcome to my blog.

Heey, Welcome to my blog.
Im gonna be posting about everything. Feild trips, whats going on in school.
I'm Breanna, I'm 13 years old.
My birthday is May 23 1998.
I like animals, and my favourite color is pink.
I dislike.. Feet.