Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rememberence day.

Welcome to my blog.

Heey, Welcome to my blog.
Im gonna be posting about everything. Feild trips, whats going on in school.
I'm Breanna, I'm 13 years old.
My birthday is May 23 1998.
I like animals, and my favourite color is pink.
I dislike.. Feet.

Into the wild.

Into The Wild is the true story of the mysterious life and death of Christopher Johnson McCandless, a talented young man from a good family who inexplicably turned his back on everything he seemed to have going for him. He graduated from Emory University in 1990, lost no time in giving away to charity the sizeable balance in his bank account, and then abruptly abandoned his past life and the personal identity all knew him by to basically disappear from the lives of family and friends. He anticipated that his parents would want to stop him, so he arranged to have his mail held for at least a month before it was returned to them, thereby giving himself ample time to leave for unknown parts unhindered by parental intervention. Although he had been outwardly obedient and cordial toward his parents, McCandless seemed to have been inexplicably angry with them for a long time. He immediately set out on a meandering adventure, a vagabond odyssey, as if he had been living a secret internal life all along, one that suddenly prompted him to throw over the affluent middle-class lifestyle he had conformed with previously to seek a purer place to think and feel in. While his family searched for him in vain, he traveled across the United States, living off his wits and the charity of people he met along the way.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I didnt go to the corn maze this year, but I did last year. and last year it was so muuch ffuuuuun!! , I wished i wouldve went this year, But I Didnt.
Anyyways, Last year when I went to the corn maze, we had to put these huge rubber boots on, and we had to walk through the corn maze, trying to finish. My group last year im pretty sure finished last. Oh well, atleast we had fun !.